Saturday, December 22, 2012

many apologies

Dear Readers, I must apologize for my leave of absence. The school year has been rather crazy, and it's all I can do to keep myself sane, much less upright. To catch y'all up on what I've been up to, may I offer a summary, from bad to good?
  • Depressing and depraved "classic" literature
  • an athiestical Astronomy class
  • a zealotical first-aid professor
  • a story plot come and gone, but a new one rising from its ashes, a-la-phoenix
  • a sword blade in progress
  • a full shirt of chainmaille nearing completion (as it has been for the past 9 months, because I'm so stubborn about readjusting bits and lengthening things)
  • a full suit of plate armor in progress (read, the Mk. I suit is in progress, but the Mk. II overplating is still in concept)
  • a theoretical helmet in progress
  • TWO (read it, 2) showings of The Hobbit, both of which involved my maille
  • aaaaaaaaaaaaand last but not least a half-decent Christmas/Christian necklace pendant, forged from mithril. Light as a feather, and hard as- *coughs uncontrollably* copper
Hopefully that will give you a taste of it all! To be very un-politically-correct, I wish y'all a very merry Christmas! And congrats on bashing Hollywood's doomsday predictions of the 21st! your grand-kids will be so proud.